2015-2024 LEDFUL
Small Pitch LED Display Adds Luster to Outdoor Display

Small Pitch LED Display Adds Luster to Outdoor Display

Publish Time : Jul 22 2020

Outdoor display has always been a big application market in LED display industry. However, outdoor display is mainly based on large spacing, large pixel spacing, and limited advertising clarity. In the market, high-definition outdoor small pitch LED display screen is urgently needed to meet the visual needs of users for high-definition viewing. A number of LED display enterprises have made efforts frequently to enter the outdoor small space research and development.

Nowadays, the distance of the conventional LED display screen appearing in the market is usually between P10 and P8. Such a distance makes the display screen, which is usually suitable for long-distance viewing, have a clear sense. In the case of short-distance viewing, you will see a clear boundary, which makes the image quality of short-distance screen "grain sense" obvious. Therefore, these conventional outdoor LED advertising screens are always in place. In a position of "high above". However, the appearance of outdoor small pitch LED display makes up for this shortage.

As the name implies, the outdoor small pitch LED display screen has a small space between the smallest pixels of its display screen. It will change from the mainstream P10 and P8 to P5 or even P4. With the reduction of the spacing, the screen will also be delicate, even in the case of close viewing, it will not be "invisible". Therefore, the appearance of outdoor small pitch LED display will be able to close the distance between the display and the viewer.

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