2015-2024 LEDFUL
Three Development Trends of Small Pixel Pitch LED Screen Industry

Three Development Trends of Small Pixel Pitch LED Screen Industry

Publish Time : Jul 29 2020

The development trend and characteristics of small pixel pitch led screen are analyzed from the following three aspects.

1. The market penetration of commercial small pixel pitch led screen is increasing. In the context of Interconnection of all things and smart city, the function of LED display screen is no longer limited to "one-way communication", but turned to the "intelligent interaction" stage. The display screen will become the core of interaction between human and data, bringing users a scene and immersive experience. With the continuous innovation of products, the continuous decline of cost and the continuous upgrading of interaction, small spacing LED has developed rapidly in the commercial display applications such as conference rooms, education, shopping malls and cinemas.

2. The distance between points is shrinking, and the mini LED display has entered the era of mass production. With the gradual improvement of consumers' requirements for display effect and further decrease of cost, products with p1.2-p1.6 and smaller spacing below P1.1 will have growth momentum in the next few years. It is estimated that the annual compound growth rate from 2018 to 2022 will reach 32% and 62% respectively. With the improvement of mini LED technology maturity and the gradual decrease of cost, mini LED will gradually be applied to commercial and even civil fields in the future.

3. The market competition of small pixel pitch led screen is gradually changing to the comprehensive strength competition of technology, quality, brand and service. After years of development, the domestic small pixel LED display industry has entered a new stage of development. From the beginning of extensive competition, it has gradually turned to the competition of comprehensive strength represented by capital and technology, and the decisive elements of enterprise comprehensive strength and brand competition have been gradually strengthened. In the future, with the development of the industry, the enterprises with strong brand influence and comprehensive service ability will enjoy higher brand premium, gain more recognition from customers, and further concentrate their market share on the advantageous enterprises.

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